Thursday, January 26, 2012

100 Ways to say "I Love You"....Without Speaking A Word #19

Get Mad!!
No, we don't mean actually get angry...we mean get Mad Libs!
It may sound silly, but filling out a Mad Lib using all of the words that best describe how you feel about this person is a creative and fun way to show them how much they mean to you!
Whether it's your own child, your neice or nephew, your sibling, your parent, or your lover...Mad Libs bring out your inner child and will definitely make that special person smile! You can even print them out online!

Friday, January 20, 2012

How to say "I Love You"...Without Speaking A Word #19

Another wonderful way to show that you care for someone, whether it's your parent, your sibling, or the love of your life, is to support them.
We don't mean monetarily.
We mean, that when they tell you they've decided to take a summer long painting course don't remind them of their inability to draw even a straight line, but tell them you would love one of their masterpieces to hang in your house. When they tell you that they've decided to backpack around the world, don't remind them of their fear of bugs, dirt, and them a world atlas and a new sleeping bag.
In short, nothing says "I Love You" quite like showing support for something that is important to your loved one, and being their biggest cheerleader.
Believe us, they will eventually remember they are totally color blind or why the closest to camping they've come is at a Hilton...and they will appreciate the fact that you love them even more for it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to say "I Love You"...Without Speaking a Word #18

Send a 2012 love email form!
Everyone loves to read a love letter, and you don't have to be Shakespeare to write one. You don't have to rhyme, you don't need to be poetic, and when writing it electronically you don't have to worry about spelling! (spellcheck!) Just think of a favorite time you had with them, a fond memory, or a future memory you're looking forward to creating and type away!
You can always find clever little graphics on the internet to include, whether it's fuzzy little teddy bears for your significant other, tropical palm trees if you're telling your best friend of a get-away you want to plan, or a childhood picture if you're sending an admiration letter to your sibling.
Whoever it is, and however you write it, they will be sure to read it many times, and it will always bring a smile to their face to know you're thinking of them.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to say "I Love You"...Without Speaking A Word #17

One of the best ways to record those special memories with the people who you are nearest and dearest with, is taking pictures. And one of the best ways of showing those people just how much they mean to you, is by using those picture and making a photo album for them.
You don't have to be an expert scrapbooker to make a beautiful album, either.
Simply gather a few pictures (it's not about quantity, but quality), and find an inexpensive scrapbook or photo album at your local arts and crafts store.
There is a variety of ways you can organize the pictures you want to include. You could put them in chronological order, which is a more traditional way of making a scrapbook, or however you think they would like them best. If you want to create a more comedic album, there are little thought bubble and quote stickers that you can buy at most craft stores, or if you want something more traditional you can use scrapbook paper, borders, and calligraphy pens to add frames and captions to the pictures.
However you decide to make your scrapbook, the memories, effort, and love that you've put into it will show once you hand it to the person you love. And the best part is, it's something they can look at time and time again, and will always think of you when they do.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to say "I Love You"...Without Speaking a Word #16

Look your best for them.
Whether you are a long time couple, who has been married for decades...or a brand new one just experiencing those first pangs of puppy love, it's important to try to look your best for your other half.
Even if you are just staying in for the evening, it only takes a minute to put a quick layer of mascara on, dab some lip gloss on your lips, and spritz yourself with your guy's favorite perfume. The same applies to wouldn't hurt to wear a clean shirt and spray a bit of cologne.
You don't have to go overboard with it. There is no reason to wear a full face of makeup while vacuuming the house, but he is guaranteed to notice if you're making dinner in some cute heels, or a pretty skirt. And once he sees that you're making an effort, he's more than likely to make one too!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to say "I Love You"...Without Speaking a Word #15

Make up pet names for eachother.

Now, as silly as this seems at first glance, it can actually be something very special. It doesn't have to be the normal "buttercup" or "snoogleplum". Make it something sweet, simple, and private. Something that when you call them by this name, it will bring back happy memories that the two of you share.
If you first met your best friend on a connecting flight between Omaha and Chicago, you could call eachother "14C" and "15C".
If you and your sibling grew up playing Transformers together you can call eachother "Optimus" and "Metroplex".
Or, if you and your spouse first fell in love at a hotel party, to later drive home and discover how head-over-heels you are for eachother you could use "Argyle" and "Bentley".
Whatever names you choose, having pet names for eachother is a wonderful way to remind eachother daily of a special event that you have shared, and to keep that loving spark between you for a long time to come.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How to say "I Love You"...Without Speaking a Word #14

Take a road trip!
A wonderful way to show someone that you care for them, whether it's your parent, your sibling, a close friend, or a lover, is to plan a day trip somewhere that you think will interest them.
Have a bag packed of snacks, drinks, music, and car games to make the ride even more enjoyable, and take the time in the car as a good opportunity to talk.
Road trips are a wonderful way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You don't have to go far, and you don't have to spend a lot of money. If you're on a budget, pack a picnic lunch to eat on the way. Go to a museum, a park, or just sightseeing...but try to go somewhere far away enough that you get quality time to enjoy the ride.
Your company, conversation, and thoughtfulness will be appreciated, and they will love the time you spent together.