Monday, September 16, 2013

~Pack Your Bags!!!~

We have moved!!  Please follow our new and improved blog:

We will always keep our past posts here for you to enjoy, so you are more than welcome to peruse to your heart's content.  But please come join us for fashion tips, tutorials, videos, event reviews, and more!

"For the Love of Jewelry"

See you there!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

~LoveNyla in Beverly Hills~

I'm sure you've all heard of the saying 
"No rest for the wicked..."

Well, I definitely wouldn't consider myself wicked by any means, but now I definitely know where that saying comes from.

You see, I rarely ever get the chance to take a vacation.  And I'm not complaining about it.  In fact, my personality is the type that I enjoy keeping busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  I literally am moving 100 miles an hour, doing at least three things at once until I collapse into bed at the end of the night.

But, back in the end of July I realized that my oldest princess was starting Kindergarten soon, and I had been working hard on the new line coming out, and we both deserved a bit of a break.  So we took a road trip to Palm Springs.  We had barely been there for three days, when I received a call from a gentleman representing a pretty well-known entertainment agency in Hollywood who had seen LoveNyla jewelry and was interested in me bringing the line to a restaurant launch in Beverly Hills.

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.  (I'm just full of cliches today.)

It was a tough decision.  I didn't want to let my daughter down. I knew we needed the vacation, but I also knew this was a wonderful opportunity for the line.  So, I sat her down, explained to my five year old the dilemma I was in, and in her infinite five year old wisdom she told me:

"You're doing this vacation for me.  You're doing the event for me.  We can swim and golf in L.A., we don't have to be in Palm Springs."

So, with that logic running through my head, I accepted his invitation, we packed up our bags, and headed back to the city of angels.

The event turned out to be an intimate affair.  There were numerous independent wineries there displaying the fruits of their labor, a tarot card reader, a lingerie vendor, a couple of fashion jewelry vendors, and of course LoveNyla Fine Jewelry.  We met so many wonderful people from all over southern California, and the experience was so enjoyable that we've decided to continue to do events with this entertainment company in the future.  We will definitely keep you updated when we do.  Hopefully, this time they won't be right in the middle of the only vacation we take all year long.

Monday, September 2, 2013

~Evil Eye~

From necklaces to bracelets, chandelier earrings to body chains, the Blue Eye or Evil Eye is everywhere.  It's a symbol of good luck in cultures throughout the world, believed to ward off jealousy or envy in the Middle East, Greece, and parts of Eastern Europe.

The earliest known evidence for belief in the Evil Eye goes back to ancient Greece and Rome.  There, it was believed that the Evil Eye was the largest threat to anyone who was praised or admired too much.  The person who was being admired would eventually cause themselves their own demise and perish.  They would hang an amulet with a beautiful blue eye around their neck, over their bed, or nearby them in order to draw attention away from themselves, in the belief that the praise or admiration could be avoided, and their life would be spared.