Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to say "I Love You"...Without Speaking A Word #11

This one is quite simple. It consists of writing two words that can heal wounds, dry tears, ease aching hearts, and turn a frown into a smile. The secret is this: it is important to remember that using these two words sometimes may seem necessary to the one you love...even if they don't seem necessary to you. You may need to use them, even if you feel you haven't done anything wrong. Whether it is to your parents, your sibling, your best friend, or your lover, the words "I'm sorry" can mean so much.
They are not words to be abused or must not say them with every intention of continuing to do whatever it is you are apologizing for, or eventually they will lose their power forever.
But when you have lost your temper, spoken too quickly, mislead someone, or otherwise hurt someone's feelings it is so important to swallow your pride, and write them these two little words:
"I'm Sorry."
Believe it or not, you will both feel much better once you have.

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